Croatian Stamps


Original artwork M 10 A M 186 A

1. 7. 1991.
Svecanost na Trgu bana Jelacica i jezeru Jarunu
Celebrations on the Square of Ban Jelacic and the Lake Jarun
Designers: M. Sutej, T. Mikulic
Zubcanje/Perforations:L 10.75:10.5
2.20 Din
M 10

15. 1. 1992.
Zubcanje/Perforations:L 10.75:10.5
10 Din
M 186 A

25. 8. 1992.
Zubcanje/Perforations:K 14
10 Din
M 186 C

Hrvatski arak / Croatian sheet 139KB
Posebnosti / Irregularities 75KB

25. lipnja 1991. god. Hrvatski Sabor je proglasio nezavisnu Republiku Hrvatsku i obiljezio pocetak nove ere u Hrvatskoj povijesti. Samo pet dana kasnije izlazi ova doplatna marka, treca iz serije "Za Hrvatskog radisu" u spomen velikim proslavama slobode odrzanim na Trgu bana Jelacica i na jezeru Jarun.
Po idejnom rjesenju Miroslava Suteja, akad. slikara iz Zagreba, predlozak za ovu marku je izradio Tomislav Mikulic, akad. slikar iz Zagreba koristeci Truevision Topas graficku stanicu. To je prva hrvatska marka koja je potpuno modelirana i renderirana na kompjuteru. U vrlo skromnim tehnickim uvjetima, originalni predlozak je snimljen na diapozitiv film direktno s ekrana u boji.
Prije tiskanja promjenjeno je blok pismo u serifno, nominala s 1.20 u 2.20, izostavljen je tanki crni okvir i dodan je tekst
"Zrinski", 1991, Sutej

Zuta boja na predlosku oznacava tisak u zlatnoj boji.
Ove su ilustracije iz postupka izrade marke na kompjuteru, objavljene u tjedniku "Studio" u kolovozu 1991. god.

Croatian Parliament declared independant Republic of Croatia on June 25th, 1991 and marked the begining of a new era in Croatian history. Only five days later this stamp was issued to commemorate the celebrations of freedom after centuries of foreign dictatorships ruling Croatians from Venice, Budapest, Vienna, Istambul and Belgrade.
Miroslav Sutej, a designer from Zagreb, made a concept for the design of this stamp based on the historical Croatian Coat-of-Arms shield and a pattern of flames in the colors of the Croatian flag. He directed Tomislav Mikulic, also a designer from Zagreb, who created the final artwork on Truevision's Topas 3D computer system. This is the first entirely computer generated design for a Croatian stamp. The original artwork was a screen shot on 35mm slide and it needed some changes for printing. A thin black frame was removed, the serif font was used, the denomination 1.20 was changed to 2.20 and the signature
"Zrinski", 1991, Sutej
was added. The print in gold ink is shown in yellow color.
A weekly magazine "Studio" published these images in August 1991.

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